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The Congregational Church of West Medford is now doing business as Sanctuary UCC.

of The Congregational Church of West Medford
dba Sanctuary United Church of Christ

on Sunday, February 1, 2015 (10:00 am) at
458 High Street, Medford, MA

Agenda Published Jan 25, 2015

The Officers and Church Council of the Congregational Church of West Medford | Sanctuary UCC issue this call to a Congregational Meeting to:

  1. Receive the CCWM Annual Ministry and Financial Reports; including current financial resources, Sanctuary start up needs and draft 2015 budget.
  2. Consider a ministry plan for Sanctuary United Church of Christ; including a generosity policy.
  3. Vote on a proposal to make a one-time gift to the ReMember Capital Campaign.
  4. Vote on a proposal regarding Bright Stars After School Ministry.
  5. Vote on 2015 Budget.
  6. Vote on renewal of lead pastor contract.
  7. Vote on a slate of officers and committee members to serve through May 31, 2015.
  8. Vote on a complete revision of the By Laws; to be implemented June 1, 2015.
  9. Receive a recommendation to develop an Endowment/Legacy Policy which would include gift acceptance, investment and spending policies.
  10. Consider other new business as brought forth by members or friends of the congregation.


The following are the documents and proposals under consideration at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Governing Body of the Congregational Church of West Medford.

These documents will be added as they become available.  Click on the link for a PDF.

CCWM Complete Annual Report Document (excluding the Ministry Proposal, excluding financial reports:  2014 Annual Report . without ministry plan . without financials

Some of the Separate Documents include in the Annual Reports are available as follows:

2014.09.26 Moderator’s Letter to Congregation

2015.02.01 Moderator’s Report for 2014


Proposal for the Bright Stars Ministry–A Narrative

Proposed Budget for Bright Stars Ministry

Ministry Plan Proposal to Annual Meeting

Documentation from June 1, 2014 congregational decision to sell the property at 400 High Street and pursue a new model for ministry (later to be named Sanctuary UCC):

2014.05.13 Call to June 1 2014 CCWM Congregational Meeting Final

2014.05.14 Church Council Recommendation to Congregation Sale of Property

2014.05.14 Model for Ministry.Church Council Recommendation to Congregation

Financial Reports

  1. Report of the Trustees-2015
  3. 2014 Dec.Year End Balance Sheet
  4. 2014 Dec.Year End PL

Proposed 2015 Budget including the following:

  1. 2015 Narrative Budget Proposal
  2. 2015.02.01 Detailed Budget Proposal for Congregation
  3. 2015.02.01 Bright Stars Budget Proposal from Kim version 3

Vote on a recommendation for a generosity policy, to be included in the 2015 budget.

Pending: Ministry plan for Sanctuary United Church of Christ.

Proposal to make a one-time gift to the ReMember Feather II Capital Campaign

Recommendation for 2015 investments and spending practices; including a discussion of the congregation’s legacy. 

Proposal to Support Lead Pastor

Revision of the By Laws; to be implemented June 1, 2015.

2014.01.26 CCWM by-laws (dated 2007, with 2014 amendment)

United Church Funds Endowment/Legacy Policy Workbook:  Reference for developing a local Policy to include gift acceptance, investment and spending policies.

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