Call to the 2017 Annual Visioning Meeting
The Congregational Church of West Medford, United Church of Christ
dba Sanctuary UCC
Sunday, October 01
11:00 am – 12:30 pm (Immediately after worship)
458 High Street, Medford, MA
The Officers and Leadership Circle of the Congregational Church of West Medford | Sanctuary UCC issue this call to the Annual Congregational Visioning Meeting as defined by our by-laws. The purpose of this annual Visioning Meeting is to: a) Review and assess the congregation’s mission, ministries, objectives and goals; and b) Make adjustments as called for from the dialogue and discernment. (Article IV. Section B).
The agenda for the 2017 Visioning Meeting and Process will include:
- Honing the vision of Sanctuary and the focus of her ministry
- What is God calling us to be? Discussion about what is currently working and what is currently missing
- Worship and Faith Formation
- Care and Justice
- Community Commitment
- A Word about “Who is our Neighbor?”
- What is God calling us to be? Discussion about what is currently working and what is currently missing
- Functions, Staffing and Leadership for Sustainability – What, Who, How: 2018 and beyond…
- Getting to an organizational structure for mission and sustainability – Bylaws and Leadership Development
Signed by Paul Roberts, Moderator and Bruce Roberts, Vice Moderator on behalf of the Leadership Circle
The meeting will be accessible via the web or telephone as follows:
Phone: 646-876-9923
meeting id: 205540418