2018.11.18 Call to Congregational Visioning Meeting and COMS Process Follow-up (Click for PDF)
Scroll down for reflections and reports which pertain to this meeting.
The Congregational Church of West Medford, United Church of Christ
dba Sanctuary UCC
Sunday, November 18th, 3-5 pm – Congregational Meeting (with 6 pm – dinner to follow)
Child Care will be provided as needed
Hillside Community Church, 144 North St, Medford, MA
2018.11.18 Minutes for this meeting
The Officers and Leadership Circle of the Congregational Church of West Medford | Sanctuary UCC issue this call to the Annual Congregational Visioning Meeting as defined by our by-laws. The purpose of this annual Visioning Meeting is to: a) Review and assess the congregation’s mission, ministries, objectives, and goals; and b) Make adjustments as called for from the dialogue and discernment. (Article IV. Section B).
The agenda for the 2018 Visioning Meeting and Process will include:
1.Honing the vision of Sanctuary and the focus of her ministry we will consider a way forward; to include but not limited to:
- Outcomes of an MBA Committee on Ministry (COMS)* Situational Support Consultation held over the past several months regarding relationship, leadership and ministry concerns at Sanctuary.
- Discussion and a vote on a Leadership Circle’s recommendation that Sanctuary release LYS as a ministry of Sanctuary.
2. Functions, Staffing, and Leadership for Capacity and Sustainability
- Church, Community and Staff Growth: How can we as Sanctuary live into personal and spiritual growth in a way that is inspiring and useful – and that considers the relationship concerns identified in the COMS Situational Support process? How do we deal with conflict so that we engage one another in respectful and healthy ways?
- Leadership and Engagement: How do we grow the LC from 5 to 9 people strong? How can the LC better hear all members and partners? How can we identify the ministries for which we have capacity and laity to lead them?
- Staffing Model: Update on who does what after a year of hiring and a consideration of what is needed to staff Sanctuary going forward.
3. Next Steps: We will hold a part 2 visioning meeting in January. What should this meeting focus on?
Signed by Joanna Begin, Moderator on behalf of the Leadership Circle
Please watch this page for further information and reports which will prepare you further for the conversation.
*The Metropolitan Boston Associate (MBA) Committee on Ministry is the Association body that authorizes ministry for initial ministry in the MBA. This means that it is responsible for the processes that grant initial ecclesiastical authorization to ordained, commissioned and licensed ministers. This committee works closely with aspirants to authorized ministry and the local churches that sponsor them, and with clergy from other denominations wishing for Privilege of Call within the UCC. …As defined by the UCC Manual on Ministry, a Situational Support Consultation is meant “to address and deal with a situation, concern, or problem that has arisen in relation to an authorized minister or ministry setting.” The hope is that the consultation will lead to a new clarity about possible steps in a Plan of Action that will result in a resolution of the problem, impediment to effective ministry or situation.
Please Note: As per the congregation’s bylaws: “Voting is available to those who are present either in person or via electronic means whereby the member is able to listen and participate in discussion.”
This meeting will be streamed via: Zoom Meeting at https://zoom.us/j/773850308
Or via conf. call 646.876.9923 – Use Meeting ID: 773 850 308
Details about the Meeting
- You are asked to kindly read the documentation listed below in preparation for this meeting. The documentation should provide you with background and a foundation for the discussion, discernment and decision making expected to take place.
- The Leadership Circle has enlisted Sarah-Elizabeth Anderson to facilitate the discussions via the practice of Reflective Listening – a process of listening for the deeper meaning of the words a speaker is saying. This process creates understanding and opens the door to conversations when people are in conflict with one another.
- A Way Forward: What is Next for Sanctuary? A Recommendation from the Leadership Circle
- Regarding Leadership Concerns and the PineRidge/LakotaYouthStay Program: A reflection from a group of concerned members of Sanctuary including Kathy Price Williams, Joy Harris, Bruce Roberts, Kim Grubb, Phil DiScuillo, Debbie DiScuillo, and Ose Manheim.
- A Way Forward for Sanctuary 2019 and Beyond: A Recommendation from Rev. Dr. Susan Corso, Coach and Grant Consultant
- 2018.11.18 Meeting Minutes