of the Governing Body of The Congregational Church of West Medford DBA Sanctuary United Church of Christ
Sunday, September 16, 2018 (4:00 pm)
458 High Street, Medford, MA
The Officers and Leadership Circle of the Congregational Church of West Medford | Sanctuary UCC issue this call to a Special Meeting of the Governing Body with the agenda as follows:
- Parsonage investments/renovation update and vote for additional funds over the 2018 budget. Parsonage Investment Report with Time Line, Quotes and Details
- Recommendation and vote to extend the deadline for the Annual Congregational Visioning Meeting to no later than December 31, 2018.
All members, partners and friends are encouraged to participate. Those eligible per the bylaws in place during the vote will be afforded one vote.
Signed by Joanna Begin, Moderator
On behalf of the Leadership Circle
Please Note: As per the congregation’s bylaws: “Voting is available to those who are present either in person or via electronic means whereby the member is able to listen and participate in discussion.”
This meeting will be streamed via: Zoom Meeting at
Or via conf. call 669.900.6833 – Use Meeting ID: 219 841 953