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The Congregational Church of West Medford is now doing business as Sanctuary UCC.

The Congregational Church of West Medford, United Church of Christ
dba Sanctuary UCC

Call to Reconvene the 2018 Annual Congregational Visioning Meeting

Saturday, January 05, 10 am – 12 pm
Sanctuary UCC, 458 High Street, Medford, MA  02155

Minutes for this Meeting

The Officers and Leadership Circle of the Congregational Church of West Medford | Sanctuary UCC issue this call to reconvene the 2018 Annual Congregational Visioning Meeting on Saturday, January 5 at 10 am at Sanctuary at 458 High Street, Medford.

This meeting was originally called to order on Sunday, November 18, 2018 at 3:00 pm and suspended at 5:30 pm by a vote of the congregation with the expectation that the meeting would reconvene as per this call. The initial call to the 2018 Visioning Meeting can be found here. 

Following the opening session of the 2018 Visioning Meeting from which there was a call to a) continue the Restorative Circle process initiated therein and b) deepen and widen congregational discernment about the future; the Concerned Members of Sanctuary Group, the Leadership Circle, and our Restorative Circles facilitator agreed that we should embark on a smaller group circle meeting to address some of the ongoing conflict. We have been working hard, with many meetings and discussions culminating in a facilitated participant-reflective in-person meeting of ten (on December 11).  Though we feel progress was made, we realize there is more work to be done.

As a result, we are recommending the following additions to the Agenda for this January 5, 2019 Session II of the 2018 Visioning Meeting; which we feel will allow us to continue to hear each other, and hopefully work together to find our new path, no matter what that looks like. The Restorative Circles facilitator will not participate in this Jan 5 session; as several key members will not be available on that day and we have business matters with which to contend in order to proceed with the process.

The additions to and priorities for the agenda for this next session of the 2018 Annual Visioning Meeting include: 

  1. Propose and vote on continued implementation of, the additional cost of, and a recommended schedule for the Restorative Circles process and facilitation; Consider procedural and by-law concerns given Sanctuary’s current status;
  2. Propose and vote on an extension of the 2018 budget to allow for Sanctuary to operate until a vision, ministry and staffing plan, and budget can be discerned and developed (item 3 below);  
  3. Propose and vote on a plan to develop a 2019 Ministry and Staffing Plan, Budget and Leadership Team Nominations – with a realistic schedule for the 2019 Annual Congregational Meeting to take place outside of our bylaws (extend the deadline);
  4. Consider the need for immediate action on filling the position of Treasurer and additional Leadership Circle members.

Signed by Joanna Begin, Moderator on behalf of the Leadership Circle  

Please Note: As per the congregation’s bylaws: “Voting is available to those who are present either in person or via electronic means whereby the member is able to listen and participate in discussion.”

This meeting will be streamed via Zoom Meeting

or via conf. call 646.876.9923 – Use Meeting ID: 456 015 895

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