Dear Community Partner of Sanctuary UCC,
Thanks for being willing to share your experience or opinion of the impact and value of the mission, ministry, and staff of Sanctuary UCC (programs and ministries listed below*).
Sanctuary is in a time of self-assessment and we are wondering about the impact of our work, our sustainability, and our future. We are engaged in a deep dive into these matters within our own congregation, but our very vision is to be turned outward to love and care for our neighbors.
And so we are asking for input from our partners in the community and stakeholders who are outside of the congregation.
You may have direct experience with Sanctuary’s mission, programs, or staff (see list below) – or you may just be aware of our work in the city, in your organization, or in your own work. Any of that is fair game for your feedback!
If you have received love, volunteered, read a book about justice, sent your kid to OWL, learned about sex, installed art, talked about a film, collaborated on an interfaith service, been listened to, been called out, followed us on social media, been inspired or totally annoyed – we want to hear about it.
Thanks for giving us 15 – 30 minutes of your time to help us.
Here’s the link to the survey form – in case you want to fill it out on your own, but we would love to call you and listen to you directly. Just email Rev. Wendy and one of our team will be in touch!
Thanks and we will be in touch!
Here are the questions we want to ask!
- Reflecting on our relationship and work together, when did you feel most motivated and encouraged? What made it so? Who was involved? What has become of that work?
- Thinking about how you know Sanctuary, what value(s) is/are most apparent to you? What features of Sanctuary stand out, make Sanctuary unique? What/how does Sanctuary contribute to the community?
- In what ways has your relationship with Sanctuary impacted you, your organization, and Medford?
- Do you have any hopes for the future of your partnership/relationship with Sanctuary. Describe what it would be like if this hope happened.
- Is there anything else on your mind?
Thank you so much for sharing your time and experience.
*For reference regarding Sanctuary UCC’s mission, ministry, and impact. Here are the ways we are in the community:
- Worship, Sacred Music, and Prayer (Sunday Worship, Palms for Passersby, Ashes-to-Go, Interfaith Gatherings such as PRIDE/Longest Night/Prayer Vigils; special services such as Maundy Thursday/Good Friday, Easter Sunrise)
- Children & Youth Programs (Messy Church, Our Whole Lives (OWL) Sexuality Education, am2pm Youth Leadership and Community Service Program)
- Adult Programs (Book Study Groups, Bible Study, Prayer Groups, Spiritual Practice)
- Arts and Inspiration Programs (Faith and Film, Gallery Installations, Art Church/Art Reflections, Spoken Word, Visual Art and Bibliodrama in Worship, Writing Workshop, SoulCollage and other hands-on art experiences)
- Community Service, Justice, Civic Engagement (aka: Loving our Neighbors)
- Food Mission (Micropantry Mission, Bread of Life, Meal Packing, Fundraising);
- Equity and Justice Mission (Antiracism, Open and Affirming, Economic/Environmental/Housing Equity);
- Civic Chaplaincy and Community Organizing (am2pm, OWL, Medford Conversation, Medford Cares, Medford Schools/CCSR/Health Education, Interfaith Leadership)
For Questions, Concerns, or Help with Technology: Please email Rev. Wendy or core team member, Terri Bracy.