The Congregational Church of West Medford, United Church of Christ
dba Sanctuary UCC
Call to Reconvene the 2018 Annual Congregational Visioning Meeting
Sunday, March 31, 10:00 am – 2:30 pm (Scroll Down for Agenda)
Lunch Will be Served / Childcare will be provided
West Medford Community Center, 111 Arlington Street, Medford, MA
The Officers and Leadership Circle of the Congregational Church of West Medford dba Sanctuary UCC issue this call to reconvene the 2018 Annual Congregational Visioning Meeting on Sunday, March 31 at 10 am to be held at West Medford Community Center, 111 Arlington Street, Medford.
Background and Introduction
This meeting was originally called to order on Sunday, November 18, 2018 at 3:00 pm and suspended at 5:30 pm by a vote of the congregation; reconvened on Saturday, January 05 at 10:00 am and suspended at 1:00 pm by a vote of the congregation with the expectation that the meeting would reconvene as per this call.
- The initial call and agenda for the November 18, 2018 Annual Visioning Meeting can be found here. The outcome of that meeting was a call to a) continue the Restorative Circle process initiated therein; b) deepen and widen congregational discernment about the future; and c) embark on a smaller group circle meeting to address some of the ongoing conflict.
- The call and the agenda for the January 5, 2019 meeting to reconvene the 2018 Annual Visioning Meeting can be found here. The outcomes of that meeting were affirmative votes on:
- Item 1, spending for additional Restorative Circles facilitation;
- Item 2, operate on 2018 budget guidelines until the Visioning and Annual Meetings could be called and completed; and
- Item 3, extend deadline for Annual Congregational Meeting, 2019 Budget and Nominating process for three and no more than 6 months.
While the Leadership Circle and Concerned Members of Sanctuary group have continued to seek conflict resolution via facilitated Restorative Circles the Leadership Circle has determined that Sanctuary must proceed as soon as possible with the 2018 Annual Visioning Meeting (A Way Forward) so that the congregation might consider Sanctuary’s future, meet Sanctuary’s organizational and fiscal obligations, and care for Sanctuary’s spiritual well-being.
This meeting will use the facilitated, Restorative Circles process with which we have been engaged and will implement Reflective Listening throughout the gathering. The agenda and schedule for this meeting will include the goals of the initial call, organized into the following agenda:
A Way Forward – Honing and Clarifying the Mission, Vision and Ministry of Sanctuary through Discernment
- (10:00 am to 11:30 am) “What do you want for Sanctuary?” – Large Group, with facilitated reflective listening
- (11:30 am to 1:00 pm) “What will you commit to Sanctuary’s ministries?” – Lunch Circle Table, practicing reflective listening
- (1:00 pm to 2:30 pm) “What do we need to be Sanctuary?” (staff, space, ministry models, leadership) – Large Group with facilitated reflective listening; including:
- Discussion and a vote on Leadership Circle’s recommendation that Sanctuary release LYS as a ministry of Sanctuary.
Signed by Joanna Begin, Moderator on behalf of the Leadership Circle
Please Note: As per the congregation’s bylaws: “Voting is available to those who are present either in person or via electronic means whereby the member is able to listen and participate in discussion.”
This meeting will be streamed via Zoom Meeting or via phone 646.876.9923; Meeting ID: 171 465 434