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The Congregational Church of West Medford is now doing business as Sanctuary UCC.

Call to Annual Congregational Meeting, Tuesday, June 11, 2019 (6:30 pm – 8:30 pm)

Minutes from this Meeting Are Here

Business Meeting to be held at Sanctuary, 458 High Street
Family Style Dinner will be served 5:30 to 6:20 PM – at Snappy Patty’s (454 High Street)

Scroll Down for access to reports and proposals

Agenda Published Monday, May 27, 2019

The Officers and Leadership Circle of the Congregational Church of West Medford | Sanctuary UCC issue this call to a meeting of the governing body with the agenda as follows:


  1. Proposed CCWM/Sanctuary By-Law Change to shift fiscal and leadership cycle from calendar year to ‘program year’ (ie: July 1 through June 30): Receive, Discuss and Vote;
  2. 2018 and partial 2019 CCWM/Sanctuary UCC Annual Ministry Report; Receive, Discuss and Vote to Accept;
  3. 2018 CCWM/Sanctuary UCC Year-End and Partial 2019 Financial Reports: Receive, Discuss and Vote to Accept;
  4. Proposed launch of the Lakota YouthStay Program (LYS) from CCWM/Sanctuary UCC ministries, effective August 02, 2019. Further details will be provided to the congregation: Receive, Discuss and Vote;
  5. Proposed 2019/2020 Staffing Model and Ministry Plan: Receive and Discuss;
  6. Proposed 07.01.2019—06.30.2020 Budget: Receive, Discuss and Vote;
  7. Vote on extending guarantee of lead pastor contract to June 30, 2021;
  8. Vote on nominations for Leadership Circle, Circles and Service Team and Trustees;
  9. Consider other new business as brought forth by members of the congregation as per the bylaws.

Printed reports will be made available as soon as possible in the church office and for the Meeting. Reports and proposals will be posted electronically as soon as possible on this page (below).

All Members, Partners and Friends are encouraged to participate. The bylaws as revised and approved by the congregation on January 27, 2018, and the Leadership Circle’s current Membership/Partnership records will apply regarding eligibility to vote. Questions regarding individual Member/Partner eligibility to vote can be directed to Liz Douglass, Interim Clerk.

Signed by Joanna Begin, Moderator and Liz Douglass, Vice Moderator

On behalf of the Leadership Circle


Electronic Access: As per the congregation’s bylaws, “Voting is available to those who are present either in person or via electronic means whereby the member is able to listen and participate in discussion.” We ask that all who seek to participate electronically do so via Zoom Meeting streaming or telephone to allow for a single point of electronic entry to the meeting. The identity and eligibility to vote of those who join electronically will be affirmed and recorded by the Clerk upon the participant’s arrival to the Zoom Meeting. Those who are participating electronically will be invited to participate in discussion as part of each agenda item and those who are eligible to vote will be invited to state their vote on each decision. We ask that all electronic participants keep their access on mute until they are invited to participant.

This meeting will be streamed via: Zoom Meeting

Or by phone via: +1 646 876 9923 US (New York); with Meeting ID: 728 082 292

2019 Annual Meeting and Report Documentation

Call to the 2019.06.11 Annual Meeting of the Governing Body

2018.01.01 – 2018.06.30 Annual Report Documentation (Meeting Minutes Summary with Agenda Items and Actions Taken for the Following Congregational Meetings)

Annual Meeting Actions/Proposals

2018.01.01 – 2018.12.31 Financial Reports

2019.01.01 – 2019.05.31 Draft Financial Reports (Provided to 6/11/2019 Congregational Meeting)

2019.01.01 – 2019.06.30 Financial Reports

2019.2020 Budget Proposal

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