Call to Annual Congregational Meeting (2021)
Sunday, June 27, 2021 (2:00 pm – 4:00 pm)
Agenda Published: June 4
The Officers and Leadership Circle of the Congregational Church of West Medford | Sanctuary UCC issue this call to the Annual Congregational Meeting of the Governing Body with the agenda as follows:
- Receive: Annual Ministry Report 2021.01.01;
- Receive, Discuss, Vote to Approve: 2020-2021 Year-To-Date Draft Financial Reports;
- Receive Leadership Circle Recommendation for 2021-2022 Ministry Plan;
- Vote on LC Recommendation to suspend bylaw requirement for two standing committees for 2021/2022 (Circles and Service Team and Pastor Parish Relations Committee)
- Receive, Discuss, Vote to Approve: Proposed 07.01.2021—06.30.2022 Budget;
- Vote to elect Leadership Circle and Trustees;
- Vote on Lead Pastor Contract to June 30, 2023;
- Consider other new business as brought forth by members of the congregation as per the bylaws.
Link to the meeting recording here!
Printed copies of the reports can be made available via USMail by request – please email
All Members, Partners, and friends are encouraged to participate.
The bylaws as revised and approved by the congregation on January 27, 2018, and the Leadership Circle’s current Membership/Partnership records will apply regarding eligibility to vote. Questions regarding individual Member/Partner eligibility to vote can be directed to Liz Douglass, Interim Clerk.
Signed by Joanna Begin, Moderator and Liz Douglass, Vice Moderator; on behalf of the Leadership Circle
Electronic Access: As per the congregation’s bylaws, “Voting is available to those who are present either in person or via electronic means whereby the member is able to listen and participate in discussion.” We ask that all who seek to participate electronically do so via Zoom Meeting streaming or telephone to allow for a single point of electronic entry to the meeting. The identity and eligibility to vote of those who join electronically will be affirmed and recorded by the Clerk upon the participant’s arrival to the Zoom Meeting. Those who are participating electronically will be invited to participate in discussion as part of each agenda item and those who are eligible to vote will be invited to state their vote on each decision. We ask that all electronic participants keep their access on mute until they are invited to participant.
This meeting will be streamed via Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 873 2248 8566
Passcode: 776970
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Please note the following documentation will be uploaded as soon as possible and as it becomes available
2021 Annual Meeting Reports, Actions, and Documentation
Call to the 2021.05.27 Annual Meeting of the Governing Body (PDF) – Pending
Annual Report: Minutes, Ministries and Actions Complete Package (PDF – will be uploaded when all reports are complete)
Financial Reports Complete Package PDF (Pending – X pages; individual reports available below)
2020.07.01 – 2021.06.30 Annual Report Documentation
Congregational Meeting Minutes
- 2020 Annual Meeting Documentation (including year to date reports for the first half of 2020)
- 2020.12.06 Annual Congregational Meeting Minutes
- 2021.01.07 Annual Visioning Meeting Minutes
- The Presentation from Leadership Circle
- Recording of the Meeting (to be added)
Annual Ministry Reports
- Circles of Care – Outreach and Justice (2020.07.01 – 2021.06.30);
- Clerk’s Report (2020.07.01 – 2021.06.30);
- Moderator’s Report (2020.07.01 – 2021.12.31);
- Lead Pastor’s Report (2020.07.01 – 2021.12.31);
- Circles and Service Team 2020/2021 Report & Nominations
Additional 2021 Annual Meeting Actions
- Motion to Suspend bylaw requirement for two standing committees for 2021/2022 (Circles and Service Team and Pastor Parish Relations Committee)
- Motion to Extend the Lead Pastor’s Contract Through Fiscal Year 2023
DRAFT Financial Reports presented to Annual Meeting (6/23/22)
- 2021.05.31 YTD (11 Month) Report of the Trustees
- 2021.06.23 YTD Financial Position (Manually Created by Treasurer with May 31, 2021 UCF and June 23, 2021 Banking)
- 2020.07.01 – 2021.06.23 YTD Budget Versus Actuals (data/Quickbooks reconciled through May 31, 2021)
- 2020.06.24 YTD Restricted Funds (DRAFT)
Budget and Ministry Plan
- 2021 Ministry Plan – a recommendation from Leadership Circle
- 2021.2022 Proposed Budget (DRAFT) Based on data available 6/25
2020.07.01 – 2021.06.30 Fiscal Year-End Financial Reports