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The Congregational Church of West Medford is now doing business as Sanctuary UCC.

West Medford UCC Poised to “Leave the Building” to Follow Jesus

20140219_105134The Congregational Church of West Medford, an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ, is pleased to inform our friends and neighbors that we have begun to market our landmark property at 400 High Street in order to pursue an exciting future as a transformative, progressive and prophetic faith community. This decision has been made prayerfully, after years of self-examination about our place as a church in the context of modernity, and in dialogue with the Holy Spirit and the wisdom and experience of others who have gone this way.

God is calling us to something new. With our 140 year history and United Church of Christ ( tradition in hand, we have been called to follow Jesus out of our institution and into the Medford community to meet the spiritual and practical needs of our neighbors. The sale of the property and the inspired leadership of our staff and lay leaders will allow us to emerge—with a focus on prophetic mission, extravagant love for God and neighbor, and meeting people where they are with reimagined worship and deep faith formation.

With the support of Cushman & Wakefield Real Estate we seek to sell the property balancing the financial needs of our future ministry, our responsibility to steward the gifts left to us by our forebears, the interests of our neighbors and community, and our Christian values. We expect the marketing process to engender proposals from creative thinkers and developers. Preliminary market research suggests that the sanctuary edifice will likely remain, possibly occupied by another faith community. Additional options that are being explored include housing that would serve the community and/or other non-profit use. We intend to keep the community informed as the process unfolds and we welcome your questions and contact.

Church office:, 781-395-3360781-395-3360

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