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The Congregational Church of West Medford is now doing business as Sanctuary UCC.

Our youth (ages 13-16 year olds) encounter, engage, respond and share their faith formation using a fabulous, progressive curriculum entitled re:form.  The curriculum includes hilarious animated short films that frame the theological and ethical questions that youth really ask.  Each youth works with an ‘Anti-Workbook’ that’s chock full of individual and group activities that help the learner to engage and respond to the questions of faith.  You can see a bit about the curriculum here:

This year’s program begins in September and the Confirmation Worship is held in May.  The faith formation/confirmation schedule is rigorous and engaging.  The curriculum is designed to meet young people where they are and tackles some of the really tough questions reform logowe all face about our religious traditions and faith practices.  Some examples of lesson topics include: “Why does the Bible contradict itself?”,  “How can God be three-in-one?”, “Why should I follow Jesus; can’t I just say I believe in him?”, “Can I be a Christian without going to church?”, “Do I have to believe Jesus performed miracles in order to be a Christian?”, “If there is only one God, why are there so many different religions?”,  “Is it a sin to think about sex?”, “Is divorce a sin?”, “What if my friends aren’t Christian?”, “Can you accept the theory of evolution and still be a Christian?”, “What does God think about war?”

Makes you want to come and have the conversations yourself doesn’t it? 

The kids will meet on some Sundays during worship and some Sunday afternoons from 4-6 pm with Rev. Wendy and an adult volunteer.   The specific calendar of dates is available from Rev. Wendy and the dates are documented on the church calendar here on the web site. 

We will also do several mission projects (November-Boston Urban Outreach, January-MLK, Jr. Day of Service and June-Global Gateway at Heifer International’s Farm in Rutland MA); join other confirmation kids at an MACUCC confirmation retreat in February; and attend worship in several other faith traditions over the course of our program.  All of these occasions will need volunteer chaperones.

In addition, we seek a volunteer mentor for each student who will connect with the student on a bi-monthly basis for a 30-60 minute conversation about their encounters with the topics.  Mentors can also volunteer as chaperones.  Please if you can volunteer for any of these roles, contact Rev. Wendy ASAP.

confirmationAll young people in this age range (friends and neighbors) who may be interested in discovering their faith through a program such as this, are welcome—contact Rev. Wendy.


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