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The Congregational Church of West Medford is now doing business as Sanctuary UCC.

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“Believe it or not, everyone should know the bible.”

Want to learn about the Bible in a place where all questions, all faiths, and all perspectives are welcome?

Six Weeks. Lively Discussion. Small Groups.

Exploring the bibleWillimonQuote1




The Exploring the Bible curricula includes three, six week courses including an overview of the bible, the old testament, the new testament and more.  For more details on the curriculum click here.

February and March, 2015 we will gather for
Course I: What is the Bible?
A broad overview of the entire Bible, including:
chapters on how to select a Bible suitable for your needs, how the Bible is organized, how the collection of books that comprise the Bible were chosen, different ways that people approach the text, and what archaeology has to tell us about the text and its stories.

Three options for participation
A: Sunday, 12:30pm—2:00pm at North Prospect Union UCC (144 North St., Medford)
B: Wednesday, 7:00pm—8:30pm at Sanctuary UCC (458 High Street, Medford)
C: Wednesday, 7:00pm—8:30pm Online via Fuze Meeting
To Join Fuze Online Meeting click link:
To join Fuze by phone: Call 201-479-4595 and enter Meeting ID when prompted: 27577146

You are welcome to move between the sessions as your schedule allows.  The student text is available at the session or here via










To watch recorded sessions click here (pending).

About our Leader: Rev. Lawrence R. Bergstresser is a retired United Methodist pastor.  A graduate of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and ordained in 1965, he has been the pastor of small town, city and suburban churches in Eastern Pennsylvania over the course of more than fifty years.  He has participated in and led Lectionary Bible Study groups that have continued week after week for thirty-five years.  His ministry focus in recent years has been primarily in pastoral care.  He is the father of two daughters and grandfather of six grandchildren.  Currently an active member of North Prospect Union UCC, he also attends Trinity Episcopal Church on Copley Square in Boston on Sunday evenings.”

Questions?  Email or call Grady Deaton: or 781.395.3360.


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