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The Congregational Church of West Medford is now doing business as Sanctuary UCC.

Messages from the Move


What a glorious day we had last Sunday as we thanked God for the blessing of our building and all of the ministries which had transpired therein, let go of any negativity onto which we were holding, decommissioned our property, witnessed to our transformation by walking down the street with symbols of our worship life, celebrated communion in our new church home, and with Rev. Wendy Vander Hart officiating we commissioned Sanctuary United Church of Christ. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Oh, and we had a fabulous party—replete with a delicious mimosa and sparkling cider brunch, catered by local chef Allen.

This week we have begun to settle in to be Sanctuary | United Church of Christ. Monday we moved the final, final, final collection of boxes—sheet music, hymnals, bibles, communion ware. Tuesday and Wednesday we served breakfast to come colleagues, met some neighbors who stopped by to ask about what we were doing, we unpacked some boxes and set up the “Open Sanctuary Café” space. Thursday we finally got the ice maker working and considered proposals for the Audio Visual system. And today, Friday we are playing with logos and I am trying to get some semblance of order in my working space while we wait for the furniture for the pastor’s office.

We expected to pass papers on the property at 400 High Street on Tuesday morning, really and truly bringing that chapter to a close. But as my spiritual director noted, the Holy Spirit is allowing us to have a funeral for the funeral. As you already know, we will celebrate the life of church leader and matriarch, June Livingston this Saturday at 10:30 am. The buyers bank was delayed and after much negotiating of schedules we will close on the property this coming Tuesday at 10:00 am. (Say a prayer for your pastor and co-moderators and our attorney, Marisa Gregg who have scheduled and rescheduled and rescheduled again in order to come to closure on this moment.) As I sit here I am letting go of the need to let go, I am finding some peace of mind and heart to write and prepare for World Communion Sunday in our new, little Sanctuary UCC—and I have to wonder…is June managing this moment so that we don’t have to borrow her beautiful sanctuary to say goodbye! May it be so! See you Sunday at 10:00 am at 458 High Street.

With blessing and prayer,
Rev. Wendy (

A few photos from September 28, 2014 final worship/decommissioning at 400 High Street and commissioning at 458 High Street

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A Few Photos from our First Week!!

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