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The Congregational Church of West Medford is now doing business as Sanctuary UCC.

Sanctuary 2023 Discernment Process Presentation(s)

All Hands Meeting, Wednesday, May 03 & Special All Hands Meeting, Wednesday, May 17

The Sanctuary Discernment Core Team processed the survey and interview responses of (17) members and (27) Community Partners/Program Participants and developed “Options for Sanctuary’s Future” for consideration by the LC/All Hands Meeting.

The following are the materials for all congregational members to review and consider:

  1. Survey Responses
  2. Committee of the Whole/All Hands Meeting  -May 03, 2023 (7 pm);
    1. Core Team Process, Discernment, and Options for the Future
      1. 2023.05.03 Visual Presentation of Discernment Team Process and Proposals
      2. Recording of the 2023.05.03 Core Team Presentation and Discussion
    2. Discussion and Feedback noted on meeting minutes and in the recording
    3. core Team Distributes all of the above to members to read the details, reflect on options, and prepare for the completion of this step at the next all-hands meeting (extra meeting scheduled for May 17 (7 – 8 PM)
    4. LC/All Hands will return to a special meeting on May 17 to finalize discernment of the recommended options to present to the Congregational Annual Meeting (June 2023 – tbd)
  3. Special Committee of the Whole/All Hands Meeting – May 17 (7 PM)
    • The purpose of this meeting is to finalize discernment of the recommended option/model for mission and ministry 2023/2024 so that we can build a budget and mission and ministry plan for 2023/2024 to present to Congregational Annual Meeting and schedule the Congregational Business Meeting.
    • 2023.05.17 Slide Deck/Presentation to All Hands Meeting for Discernment & Decision
    • Discernment and unanimous vote/approval to “Develop Ministry and Mission Plan and Budget to bring to Annual Congregational Business Meeting for the decision to pursue the Dynamic Merger Option with Hillside Community Church. 
    • Recording of this meeting
    • Minutes from this meeting (for details of the presentation and discussion, please see the recording
    • Next Steps:
      • June Committee of the Whole/All Hands Meeting – June 07 (7 PM)
      • 2023 Annual Congregational Business Meeting, Saturday, June 24, 2023, 9 am to 10:30 am (onsite at Sanctuary/online via zoom)
      • Develop Ministry and Mission Plan and Budget for Recommendation to Cong. Annual Business Mtg
      • Prepare Annual Reports
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