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The Congregational Church of West Medford is now doing business as Sanctuary UCC.

Non-voting Congregational Meeting, Saturday, January 11, 2020 (11:00 am – 1:30 pm)

The LC and Staff wanted to hear from you! Your ideas, frustrations, joys, pain, and hesitations about Sanctuary UCC – all of it. We set aside two hours in January to be available to engage with you in an open and safe space where you can spend more time getting to know us, ask questions, and share what’s on your heart. We asked that everyone come – newer members and our long-term members – as every voice is valued. Your insights, longings, and excitement helped this LC as we plan our next steps and prepare for Sanctuary’s Annual Visioning Meeting that will take place this spring.

Please read through the notes taken during the meeting and see what was discussed.

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