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The Congregational Church of West Medford is now doing business as Sanctuary UCC.

What Gifts Might you Bring to Our Move to the New Ministry Center?

My Pennsylvania Dutch Poppop always said, “Many hands make light work!” and we are ready to start planning and doing the preparations for our move out of 400 High Street and the “nesting” of 458 High Street.  We are wondering how you might get involved?                              bags

Our history team (Kathy W, Julie, Elizabeth, and others) have been about the process of going through all of our historical documentation and “secret” rooms to secure and store that which should be saved and dispose of that which should not. What a blessing!!  But as we head toward the actual move of Rev. Wendy’s office, the church office and the things we will take with us for our worship life there remains much to do.  As well, we are shopping for and making decisions about the furnishings and equipment needed for the new ministry center!

Volunteers Needed to:

  • Shopping for office furniture, chairs, tables, for ministry center—immediately
  • Shopping for Signage—immediate
  • Leading/Working with team to decide on AV System for ministry center—immediately
  • Packing books and hymnals in late July and early August
  • Work with Staff to vetting, dispose and pack church office file drawers—July and August
  • Packing worship goods—September
  • Packing Office Equipment—August

While we are expecting to contract for the construction of our ministry center, there are some things that could be done by church members if there is energy and passion.  It could be fun and will certainly add to the investment we experience in our space.

Possible DIY Projects include:do it yourself

  • Painting the Interior of the Center
  • Building Storage (IKEA?)—bookshelves for offices and basement storage
  • Building Furnishings—pastors desk, church office desk and credenza
  • Cleaning and Refinishing existing solid wood storage hutch for our office storage and work center
  • Your idea…


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