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The Congregational Church of West Medford is now doing business as Sanctuary UCC.


  • noun \tran(t)-ˈsi-shən
  • a change from one state or condition to another
  • passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another—change
  • a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another
  • a musical modulation; a musical passage leading from one section of a piece to another

transitionThis week, as we literally moved the operations of the church from 400 to 458 High Street, I was again reminded of the amazing capacity of the human spirit. Despite your own grief and fatigue of it all—you were present with generosity, time, organizational skills, strong backs, ideas for what to take along, how to set up our new home, and your loving commitment to hospitality, kindness and care. Thank you!!!

It has become a reality. We have moved and we are in transition. The sale of the property is still expected to culminate on Sept. 30. Last week the trustees, co-moderators and I met with the Director of the United Church Funds ( to developed a plan for managing the resources from the sale. We received our first piece of mail at 458 High Street—and it was a check for one of our beloved members’ pledge! Talk about hope!

10615985_10152677272528954_8173857331749918642_nIt was striking to hear the response (and in some cases incredulity) from vendors, movers, technicians and neighbors. My favorite? The guy who delivered the new café tables who said in a very snide tone, “Well, this is some serious downsizing. What happened?” We will spend time during this transition and as we settle into that which God is unfolding amongst us helping others to understand that this change, this new thing, this “downsizing” is not a bad thing but rather is a freeing-up for ministry and love.

flowers to birds transitionI pray you can experience the excitement of transition—that space which gets you from here to there; from the way it was to the way it will be; from one form to another, from one style to the next; a passage. I know you are tired. I am tired. I am writing this post at 9:30 am on Saturday morning, after believing for the last three hours that I might never be able to get out of bed again. I had literally fallen into bed last night with nothing finished or printed for Sunday—neither my homily for this afternoon’s wedding nor the Power point for tomorrow’s worship—and my body was screaming, “No, no, no more.” But I took care of myself for a bit, opened the window (what a glorious day) and allowed myself to rest into the cool of the morning and here I am, sitting at my desk ready for the transition. Ready for a new day. Ready for a new ministry. Ready for a new space. Ready for a new Sanctuary.

With blessing and prayer, Rev. Wendy (

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